Advanced Postgraduate Courses in the field of Biotechnology in collaboration with TU Delft

Available Postgraduate Courses in collaboration with

Biotechnology Academy Delft

Biotech Delft offers biotechnology education at postgraduate level.

Biotechnology Academy Delft (in short: Biotech Delft) offers biotechnology education at postgraduate level. Since its foundation, in 1987, Biotech Delft has very successfully set-up various types of postdoctoral education; weeklong programmes. Biotech Delft is coordinated from the department of Biotechnology of Delft University of Technology. The department performs state-of-the-art research for the design of bioprocesses and all underlying aspects.

State-of-the-art knowledge

Our mission is to educate scientists in the field of Biotechnology

Our mission is to educate scientists (MSc, PhD, or equivalent) from industry and academia on the latest state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of Biotechnology. The Biotech Delft course team consists of teachers from Delft University of Technology and other renown academic and industrial labs in the world and take place in the charming city of Delft, the Netherlands.

Our course board members

Prof. Michel Eppink

Board member

Prof.dr. Lorenzo Moroni

Board member René Wijffels

Board member