Advanced Course

Biopharmaceutical bioprocessing

Course introduction

Recent advances in the field of Biopharmaceuticals (Cell and Gene Therapies, Vaccines and Biopharmaceutical Proteins) has increased the range of human medicines for different diseases. The scalability and implementation for biopharmaceutical processing is a main issue for different companies due to the lack of process knowledge, thereby delaying the commercial introduction of new medicines.

Experts from academia, industry, and regulatory agencies have joined forces and will present a program that addresses biopharmaceutical bioprocessing in depth, covering drug discovery, upstream/downstream processing, analytics, as well as regulatory and clinical perspectives. The focus of the course is on the design of innovative processes for cell therapies, gene therapies, vaccines, and biopharmaceutical proteins, complemented with examples of mammalian processes for biopharmaceuticals. A substantial part (ca. 40% of the time) will be dedicated to a case study, executed in teams of 4-6 participants. This case study is about the design of a bioprocess for the production of a therapy from one of the four different fields. This includes the upstream/downstream process design and you will take into account the needed process analytics and an overall process economic evaluation. The team with the best design performance wins the Biopharmaceutical Bioprocessing prize. There are several guest lecturers from leading universities and companies in the bioprocess field, providing latest insights in technology innovations, cell lines and new bio-product categories, complemented with views from the industrial practice.

The Advanced Course Biopharmaceutical Bioprocessing is organized by BioTech Delft.

15 - 19 September 2025
Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands

Advanced Course Biopharmaceutical bioprocessing


The core lectures are mainly scheduled in the mornings and will focus on the
following themes:

  • Overview of the different therapies present in the field of Biopharmaceuticals
  • Upstream and Downstream Process understanding needed for Biopharmaceuticals
  • Scale-up processes and their scale up features
  • Analytics, including process analytical technologies, needed to monitor the process development and product characterization
  • Examples of successful bioprocesses, downstream processing, upstream processing, patient perspective, regulatory, drug development and economic aspects of bioprocessing

Invited lectures are scheduled on e.g. examples of successful bioprocesses, downstream processing, upstream processing, patient perspective, regulatory, drug development and economic aspects of bioprocessing.

Advanced Course Biopharmaceutical bioprocessing

Who should attend?

The course is primarily aimed at academic and industrial specialists (MSc, PhD or equivalent experience) who seek for refreshing and broadening their knowhow and practical insight in Biopharmaceutical Bioprocessing, to enable progress towards the development of human medicines. A background in e.g. bioprocess engineering, pharmaceutics or biochemistry and a basic working knowledge of the other disciplines is expected.

Images Courtesy of Byondis

Advanced Course Biopharmaceutical bioprocessing


*To be eligible for the reduced early bird fee you need to register before 7-8-2025. If this date is exceeded, the regular fee applies.

**A limited number of fellowships is available for PhD students and SME’s (small/medium enterprise). Fellowships will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis. To apply as to one of these fellowships, please include a copy either of your registration as a PhD student from your university or a proof of the SME-status of the company you work at.

The fee includes course materials, lunches and the buffets and the course dinners as indicated on the program. The fee does not cover other meals or lodging.

The course fee

Early bird*

€ 2.750,-

Regular fee

€ 3.000,-

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME/Startups/scaleups)**

€ 2.000,-

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME/Startups/scaleups) of Biotech Campus Delft**

€ 1.500,-

PhD Students**

€ 1.500,-

Advanced Course Biopharmaceutical bioprocessing

Course board members

Prof. Michel Eppink

Board member

Dr. Marieke Klijn

Board member Marcel Ottens

Board member

Advanced Course Biopharmaceutical bioprocessing

Downloads & brochures

Advanced Course Biopharmaceutical bioprocessing


After registration you will receive a confirmation e-mail from us and another email with an invoice. We look forward to welcoming you in our course in Delft!


A limited number of fellowships is available for PhD students (reduced fee). Deadline for registration is 25-8-2025

Advanced Course Biopharmaceutical bioprocessing
