Biocatalysis and Protein Engineering
Bioprocess Design
Cellular Agriculture – Precision fermentation and cultured meat
Downstream Processing
Multi-Omics approaches for Improvement of Industrial Microbes
Environmental Biotechnology
Microbial Physiology and Fermentation Technology
Modelling and Computation for Micro-organisms in Bioprocesses
Course board members
Prof.dr.ir. René Wijffels
Cellular Agriculture – Precision fermentation and cultured meat
Prof.dr. Lorenzo Moroni
Cellular Agriculture – Precision fermentation and cultured meat
Dr. Djordje Bajić
Multi-Omics approaches for Improvement of Industrial Microbes
Dr. Caroline Paul
Biocatalysis and Protein Engineering
Dr. Martin Pabst
Multi-Omics approaches for Improvement of Industrial Microbes
Dr.ir. Adrie Straathof
Biocatalysis and Protein Engineering
Modelling and Computation for Micro-organisms in Bioprocesses
Dr.ir. Cees Haringa
Modelling and Computation for Micro-organisms in Bioprocesses
Dr.ir. Peter-Leon Hagedoorn
Biocatalysis and Protein Engineering
Dr.ir. Robbert Kleerebezem
Environmental Biotechnology
Prof. Ruud Weusthuis
Bioprocess Design
Prof.dr. Aljoscha Wahl
Multi-Omics approaches for Improvement of Industrial Microbes
Prof.dr. Cristian Picioreanu
Environmental Biotechnology
Modelling and Computation for Micro-organisms in Bioprocesses
Prof.dr. Frank Hollmann
Biocatalysis and Protein Engineering
Prof.dr. Ulf Hanefeld
Biocatalysis and Protein Engineering
Prof.dr.ir. (Emeritus) Sef Heijnen
Bioprocess Design
Prof.dr.ir. Henk Noorman
Bioprocess Design
Modelling and Computation for Micro-organisms in Bioprocesses
Microbial Physiology and Fermentation Technology
Prof.dr.ir. Luuk van der Wielen
Downstream Processing
Prof.dr.ir. Pascale Daran-Lapujade
Microbial Physiology and Fermentation Technology
Prof.dr.ir. Marcel Ottens
Downstream Processing
Cellular Agriculture – Precision fermentation and cultured meat
Prof.dr.ir. Mark van Loosdrecht
Environmental Biotechnology