Biotechnology Academy Delft
Biotechnology Academy Delft organises biotechnology courses at postgraduate level. Biotech Delft is closely related to the department of Biotechnology of Delft University of Technology, At the department of Biotechnology state-of-the-art research is performed for the design of bioprocesses and all underlying aspects and is known for several discoveries with impact and applications in large scale industries:
• granular sludge,
• C5-yeast and the next generation biofuels,
• Simulated moving bed chromatography,
• Penicillin(-strain) process improvement, to name a few.
The board of Biotechnology Academy Delft
The board consists of the following persons:
Dr. Jan-Maarten Geertman, president
Director Sustainable Production,
Heineken Global Supply Chain
Prof. dr. Jack Pronk, vice-president
Head of the department of Biotechnology and Professor in
Industrial Microbiology at Delft University of Technology
Prof. Marcel Ottens, treasurer
Professor in Bioprocess Engineering at Delft University of Technology
Dr. Caroline Paul
Assistant professor in Biocatalysis at Delft University of Technology
Dr. Diana Harris
Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine
Dr. Cindy Gerhardt
Director Planet at the BiotechCampus Delft
Biotechnology Academy Delft
Yvonne van Gameren
Programme director
Jenifer Baptiste
Course coordinator
You can reach out to us via Email
Biotechnology Academy Delft
Annual report
Please find the annual report on the activities of the foundation via the links below (in Dutch)
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016
Bestuursverslag 2021
Naam: Stichting Biotechnology Academy Delft
Adres: Van der Maasweg 9, 2629HZ Delft
KvK nummer: 41167492
RSIN: 8029.56.488
Biotech Delft is registered in the registry of the Central Registry for Short Professional Education (Centraal Register Kort Beroepsonderwijs, part of CPION).
Trade Register
Biotech Delft is registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel) as “Stichting Biotechnology Academy Delft” with KvK number 41167492.
Biotechnology Studies Delft Leiden (BSDL)
Stichting biotechnology Academy Delft started as Stichting Biotechnology Studies Delft Leiden (BSDL)
The institute Biotechnology Studies Delft Leiden (BSDL) was founded in 1987 and has since then successfully organised various types of postdoctoral education. BSDL was founded as a joint initiative in biotechnological post-graduate education of Delft University of Technology and Leiden University and still is located at the Department of Biotechnology of Delft University of Technology.
BSDL aimed to organise post-graduate education and short courses in the field of biotechnology. All in consultation with biotechnology industry.
Two main goals were:
Organizing short international courses (Advanced Courses) on various areas in the biotechnology, for participants from industry, institutes and universities.
And secondly, to set up two-year postgraduate courses for the training of biotechnological R&D specialists and design specialists for industry and environment (PDEng or EngD training)
– Postgraduate Advanced Study in Biotechnology;
– Designer Program Bioprocess Engineering (BPE);
– Designer Program Bioproduct Design (BPD).

In 2007 the “Advanced Study in Biotechnology” continued into the “Designer Program Bioproduct Design”. Both designer training programmes are no longer covered by BSDL, but have been transferred to the Delft Process and Product Design Institute (DPPDI) as EngD programmes.
BSDL has organised approximately 25 different advanced courses during more than 30 years. Two of the early courses that were organised by BSDL (Microbial Physiology and Fermentation Technology and Downstream Processing) are still successful until today!