Bioprocess Design

Successful hybrid version of the Bioprocess Design course

Last week Planet hosted the Advanced Course on Bioprocess Design (4 – 8 Oct. 2021) on the Biotech Campus Delft, organized by BioTech Delft. During this course 27 participants – 16 on site and 11 online – from both industry and universities participated.

The course aimed to familiarize participants with the design of innovative microbial fermentations, for bio-products such as amino acids and monomers for bio-plastics, complemented with examples of marine and mammalian processes, for micro-algae products and bio-pharmaceuticals.

Faculty staff, together with invited (inter)national experts from leading universities and industries in the bioprocess field, offered a combination of lectures, exercises and demonstrations, providing latest insights in technology innovations, non-conventional feedstocks and new bio-product categories, complemented with views from the industrial practice.

“Learning about the state-of-the-art in bioprocesses triggered new ideas to make advances in my work and contribute to expand the knowledge of the field.”

Carlos Serrano Fajardo

In their courses, BioTech Delft invites a wide variety of influential, international lecturers from universities and industries who present their vision on biotechnology and share their expertise. The Advanced Courses are short, in-depth courses, which are full-time and delivered in a timespan of either one or two weeks.